Wednesday, March 9, 2011

March 10th 2011

March 10th (this Thursday) marks 52 years after uprising started in Tibet on March 10th, 1959.

Most people I've talked to don't even know where Tibet is, let alone what is happening there. There is mass genocide and America isn't doing anything to help it. Its true that we have our own situations to handle right now but I don't think that Tibet's oppression should have lasted for 52 years. China has prevented the citizens from having any basic human rights. The president of China came to the United States to meet with President Obama and said that he was going to give China more human rights... but I don't think that he was talking about Tibetans when he said that. The government has turned Tibet into a tourist attraction for people to visit and see nothing is wrong. Tibetans are not allowed to practice organized religion, ask for money from visitors, or even speak their own language. The Chinese government is trying to make them only speak Mandarin which would wipe out Tibetans cultural history forever. Tibetans are fighting back, now more than ever. I think its time that we did something also.

Tomorrow marks the 52nd year of uprising, lets make it the last.

I challenge you to tell at least 3 people a significant fact you learned from this blog or something you learned from researching Tibetan culture. Tell those 3 people to tell 3 more people and so on and so forth. I challenge you to inform people of the oppression taking place and the murdering of innocent monks happening right before our eyes. Lets take a step in the positive direction by fighting for the people who can't be heard, for the children who can't defend themselves, and for the Country that wants to be free. (For more information go to Students for a Free Tibet )